I recently graduated with a bachelor's degree in business informatics at the University of applied Sciences Bremerhaven and now I'm working as software engineer in the section of software development at CONTACT Software GmbH. During my study, I have been working at the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz centre for polar and marine research at the department Dynamics of Paleoclimate as a research assistant for more than two years. Until now Iam supporting the lab as guest.
I have started a position as software engineer in the software development department at CONTACT Software. As part of the quality assurance team, I support the software development teams and processes of our company by providing tools and methods for CI/CD, DevOps, managing Kubernetes cluster and much more.
During my work at the Alfred-Wegener-Institute I analyze data from different climate models like the AWI-ESM and from the CMIP6 series.
The goals of these studies are the qualification as well as the validation of those models. Lately I have been dealing a lot with the
topic of bias correction, as I wrote my bachelor thesis in cooperation with the Alfred-Wegener-Institute.
It is titled: "The influence of bias corrections on variability, distribution and correlation of temperatures compared to
observed and modeled climate data in Europe" and can be viewed here.
Over time, a number of websites with learning content on various scientific topics have also been created,
which are now hosted by AWI and serve as teaching material for lectures, events and for the simplified presentation of scientific contexts.
These can be found on my GitHub profile.
The command-line tool BiasAdjustCXX,
which I developed partly during my work at AWI, but also afterwards, is now the subject of a publication
in which the basic functionalities, application areas and the resulting new possibilities for science and research are presented. It's titled
Introduction of the BiasAdjustCXX command-line tool for the application of fast and efficient bias corrections in climatic research
and was published by the journal SoftwareX.
Together with two other students I worked as a research assistant at the AI-Lab Bremerhaven. This working relationship arose through a cooperation with our bachelor project. There we are implemented an application for the robot Pepper, which collects information about customers and conversation partners. This data is then stored via our own web interface and evaluated evaluated by different algorithms. In addition, we have presented progress to the public at various events in order to demonstrate the topic of artificial intelligence in practice.
I am particularly interested in data analysis, sciprting and trading cryptocurrencies is particularly appealing.
I have developed automated trading algorithms and thus builds up a passive income. It almost doesn't matter,
whether the prices are falling or rising, because this trading bot is based on a mixture of a infinity grid and swing trading strategy.
This is totally fascinating for me.
I have also tried to build a web application for the former algorithm, where customers can log in and run it on their portfolio.
So far, however, I do not have the time to deal with scalable systems and virtual machines. But this is still in progress. Some of
my projects are listed here and most of my public stuff can be found on GitHub.
Besides programming, I'm interested in skateboarding and I like science fiction books, especially those from the Metro and Bob series.
Where do I see myself in 5 years? I don't know exactly yet, but I hope that I can make a positive difference in the world with my work.